Major 1

Jenna Major

September 22, 2010

World Literature-Acc. Pd. 4

Nonfiction Success Theme

                                                     Personal Legends:

                                    A Review of the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho


“I want to tell you a story about dreams,” said the alchemist. Life goals and dreams is what The Alchemist is based upon; a shepherd traveling across the deserts in search of a so called treasure by following one’s own “Personal Legend”. Growing up, Santiago was encouraged by his father to become a priest, like many other boys in his Muslim community. When he became older he decided he wanted to travel the world and do what he loved most which was being a shepherd to his sheep. Paulo Coelho proves in The Alchemist, in order to become successful and be what you dream of being in life, following your own Personal Legend only leads to success, happiness, and a flock of sheep.

Would you ever have imagined that a flock of sheep could lead you down the road to success? Some have never thought of it this way. If I could trade in my flock, I would expect my bachelor’s degree in culinary arts along with a comfortable lifestyle we all dream of. Although there would be obstacles such as finishing high school, excelling to get scholarships, and being accepted into the college of my dreams, like the shepherd, I have my own Personal Legend. Paulo Coelho taught me that there will be obstacles along the way but it is your decision to travel through the deserts and find your treasure buried in the Pyramids. According to the king, “...There is a force that wants you to realize your [own] Personal Legend: it whets your appetite with a taste of success” (Coelho 29). This quote means every single human being has the ability to recognize their own legend. For some it may be difficult to follow, and for others it could be easy. Just like the shepherd and myself, your decisions can only be made by you; leaving your ability to become successful in your hands.

The Alchemist only has a part one, but no part two. It leads you to believe it’s an ordinary book, but when finishing it, your outlook on life had completely changed. Its beauty inspires you and encourages you to believe in your dreams. Not all happiness comes from the finer things in life but also from within your heart. Your Personal Legend only means what you are meant to accomplish in your life.

Not only did I learn a little more about the Muslim culture, but I learned not everyone is exactly the same. Of course we are all human but we each have our own “personal calling,” what God has planned for us in our lifetime. For some it’s easy, for others it can be right in our reach and then we make the mistake of ignoring the truth. Even though I learned new things from the Alchemist, I believe the most important thing I learned is to be myself and follow my dreams.

I would definitely recommend the Alchemist to other readers who love to think above and beyond. Also, for readers of different religions and languages. The Alchemist has turned into 41 languages, and more than 52 million copies have been sold in over 117


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countries. It’s a very inspiring book that reminds you that your legend will always be a risk worth taking and traveling the deserts only makes you stronger in the end.                                                                                                             




















































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